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By completing the following form, a ticket will be created with our helpdesk team. We will update you with the status or contact you with any questions.

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Your Information

Enable Forwarding Calls to Voicemail

Forward calls to voicemail. Send voicemail to email.

Disable Forwarding Calls to Voicemail

To Check Your Voicemail:

Using either a desk phone or softphone, dial *98. Then dial "999" to access the event closure mailbox. (The PIN wil be provided to you.)

Recording Your Announcement

You will need the mailbox PIN that we will provide to you after you submit this request.

If you already have your PIN then you can get started now.

If you have already recorded an announcement from a past event that you can reuse, then there is no need to record a new announcement.

To Make Your Recording:

Using either a desk phone or softphone, dial *98. Then dial "999" to access the event closure mailbox. (The PIN wil be provided to you.) Press 0 for mailbox options. Then press 1 to record your unavailable message.

Optional Comments

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